I have been researching how titles and credits are used in films, and in particular in the horror genre. To do this I have watched the openings of several films and then listed the order in which people are acknowledged. This is a copy of my basic notes I made after watching the opening of "Catch Me if you Can". I have found that the institution and production company's names come first, followed by the main cast members or the most well known. The title of the film would be next and then the remaining cast members. After all of those would be the casting director and co-producer and then the rest is shown in my photograph of the list I made. The reason it is important to research how titles and credits are presented is because it helps to make a film look professional and polished, because it is complying with expectations. When editing our horror film opening, we will ensure that we take this into consideration and follow these guidelines.
In "Catch Me if you Can" the plot of the film itself is hinted at throughout the title sequence, and shown to a certain degree. Whilst the order in which the titles are shown comply with typical film title sequences, it is done in quite an original way through animation. This is something we will try to replicate; a title sequence that conforms with the correct layout but also is something a little bit different.
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