Monday 1 February 2010

Filming Diary 29th January

We began our filming on friday and we all felt it went well. We did however underestimate how many times we would have to repeat the same piece of filming and due to this we are to continue filming on tuesday. Although there is a small amount we have left to do. Firstly we filmed our actress Louise walkinng through a woodland area from various angles and shots. We also filmed a stalker (Keegan or Matthew) walking behind her for moments. This went well and we feel we got a wide variety of shots that we would be able to use when editing. Secondly we walked to to my home, where we filmed Louise being attacked. This went extremely well and we were all pleased with the end result. We filmed the same couple of sections from 3 different angles so we will be able to re-arrange and edit our film to what we feel looks best. After doing so we moved on to begin filming down Court Road but we found that because of the time of day we chose to film it had become too dark for a cameras to pick up on the actors. The time of day was also a complete contrast with our earlier filming and would not have continued good continuity. For these reasons we decided that we would continue filming another day so that it was lighter.Because we had unexpected time left over we went to my house and recorded Louise's audio of panicing for the opening of our film during the subtitles. This we feel went really well and are happy with the end result. On tuesday we have filming down Court Road to finish off aswell as hopefully filming in the garages nearby Church Avenue.

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