Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Film Diary For The 4th Febuary

We met up again on the thursday to film the Garages and retry filming down Court Road when it was lighter. We firstly filmed lots of various shots and angles in The Broomfield Road Garages. We experimented with our stalker who on the day was Matt and filmed him in various angles behind Louise. Although alot of the angles did not turn out well and we had to be very careful with continuity but we feel we got a good variety of shots. By the time we got to Court Road we had reached the time of day where it was getting dark quickly. We filmed some shots at the top of Court Road but by the time we had gotten to the bottom of Court Road it had got a lot darker. As we preffered the shots from the bottom of the road we decided to use them, however we could not use the shots from the top of the road aswell because then our film wouldn't be continuous and the contrast would be very obvious. We also filmed Louise putting my front door key into the door for a close up shot, we experimented with other close up shots of her foot as she walked past but as her shoes were black and it had already gotten dark these shots did not work aswell. We also experimented with filming Louise putting the key in the lock from different angles so that we would have a wide variety of shots from every location to chose from when it came to editing.

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