Friday 4 December 2009

Form For Parental Consent

If the actors that are going to appear in our films are under the age of 18, we need parental consent. This is so that their parents understand fully what we are doing, where their child will be and also, what the footage will be used for and shown to. We need parental consent aswell as consent from the respondant so that they know exactly what we are doing.

Chelmer Valley High School Media A Level Class.

Dear Parent/Carer,

We are writing to you, to request the permission for ___________________________ to be filmed for our Media Coursework in January 2010.

For our Media Coursework, we need to produce the opening of a Horror Film and require your consent for____________________ to be filmed. For identity purposes, we will not credit ______________________ unless given permission to do so, which can be decided after filming.

When filming, we will be following strict Health & Safety guidelines and will provide_________________ with a full film schedule.

The footage will be uploaded onto ‘You Tube’ to be used on our group and personal Blogs and it will be necessary for the examiners and teachers to view the footage.

Thank you for your time and co-operation,

Jo Roberts, Rosiee Fenner, Lucy Clark & Emmaline Gordon.
A Level Media Students
Chelmer Valley High School


I _________________________________________ (your name) give

The permission for __________________________ (name of child) to be filmed for AS Media Coursework purposes.

Signed: __________________________________ Date: ___/___/____

Print Name: ________________________________________

Signed: ____________________________________________

If you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact;
Miss G Peacock - Head Of Media
Chelmer Valley High School
Court Road

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