Tuesday 15 December 2009

Casting For The Stalkers

We cast Louise Chick as our female protagonist because she looked the part of a victim in a horror film. She is young and blonde and so conveys innocence, meaning that the audience will fear for her safety, and keep them interested in the film. This is her audition tape, where we asked her to read out our first draft script, which would be used for the voice over on the credits.

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We have now cast our two minor parts of the stalkers. Although these characters are integral to the film, they have no dialogue in the opening two minutes and are only seen fleetingly. For this reason, we didn't need to hold a proper audition, more ask for volunteers and then check they were okay for the times when we are filming in January and were old enough. These are our stalkers;

Stalker #1 - Matthew Bonner
Stalker #2 - Keegan Featherstone

We recorded them briefly just saying who they are, and what part they were going to be playing.

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