Our horror film is based around the idea of stalking and victims being followed. At the beginning of the film the first victim is seen on a journey home towards work where she is being mysteriously followed by a UN-be known number of antagonistic villains. These villains have somehow got into her home where we witness her get attacked in her own bedroom. The idea of using female victims uses the Male Gaze Theory. This theory means that ultimately the plot of the horror film is viewed through the eyes of a man where woman a sexual objects of obsession. This concurs because as the plot develops we establish that a number of women are experiencing the same attack that the woman endured at the opening of our film. Women are frequently used in horrors as victims because they are stereotyped as the in superior sex when it comes to strength and the ability to defend them. There are examples of this in prior films such as 'The Descent' - where the plot evolves around 6 females that get attacked whilst going caving. Females show a weaker nature to males that make the audience feel even more uncomfortable as the character has less ability to defend themselves against perpetrator. These are all largely the reasons that we are using females as our victims. The names of the 6 female characters are 'Charlie', 'Trina', 'Rachel', 'Phillipa', 'Daisy' and the main protagonist 'Enya' who's story is followed from the beginning of the film. All 6 of the females are targeted by a group of deranged scientists (non-of which's names are ever learnt by the audience to provide a sense of unknown and unfamiliarity to the audience, names are typically comfortable to the viewer which is the opposite effect desired). These scientists are fixated on the idea of creating the 'perfect' individual. The female targets were used because they all held a specific trait or attribute that the scientists wanted as a part of their perfect-being. They are one-by one stalked and held captive in an abandoned house in the middle of the country side. The location of the house is not made particularly known in the plot but the audience is aware that it is far from civilisation which creates an even 'creepier' affect as help is not close at hand for the victims; this is a typical trait in horror films and creates a sense of abandonment.

As the 6 girls come to terms with why each of them are here they one by one get taken off to torture. It begins with 'Rachel' being dragged out of the room where all of the girls have been taken hostage without the rest of the girls being aware what is happening to her. They expect her to return later on or in the next day but when she does not it begins to raise suspicion as to what has happened to her. Next to be taken is 'Trina' who they hear scream and cry loudly for hours after as the other 4 girls begin to panic. They begin to devise and plan their escape the avoid the same fait they believe the other 2 girls have met. Later when one of the 3 scientists come to check on them and feed them water as their hands are chained behind them 'Daisy' head butts him. The male antagonist lies on conscious on the floor and 'Enya' realises her chains are loose. She frees herself and stamps on the scientists head, as he appears to bleed the audience is made aware that he has been killed. 'Enya' escapes the room and searches desperately around the house for the keys to the other 3 girls chains. She finds 2 and runs back towards the room the girls are being held hostage. It is establishes the keys unlock 'Charlie' and 'Phillipas' chain and as they hear the sound of someone moving around on the floor above them 'Daisy' begs them to leave her and escape. 'Enya' refuses to give up searching for her key and as they near escape she has to hide under a cabinet in a desperate attempt to hide from the scientists, whilst doing this she finds another key under some floor boards. They hear 'Daisy' scream and as they try to get back to her 'Phillipa' is attacked. The perpetrator however does not se 'Enya' and 'Charlie' and they try to find their way back to free 'Daisy' who they find dead still tied to her post. 'Charlie' and 'Phillipa' then set their target to finding the other girls who were previously taken from them. When they eventually find them they find 'Rachel's body amputated and 'mangled' almost inhuman, 'Trina' appears to have her legs missing but when she hears the girls voices they are sure they see her fingers move. 'Phillipa' is barely conscious but still whole. They try to speak to 'Trina' who seems to slightly regain consciousness who begs them to get out and leave them but they refuse. The two girls are then attacked by the other 2 perpetrators and tied to the 2 remaining beds. Through their struggle to fight back they are still ultimately over come and 'Enya' helplessly watches as the attackers kill 'Charlie'. Luckily somehow 'Enya' gets free and kicks one of the scientists in the back of the head. She struggles backwards and grabs a chainsaw so stop the scientists attacking her. After a struggle she ultimately kills one of the scientists and knocks another out although the audience are not aware he is still alive. She then escapes after being re-attacked by the perpetrator who is in fact still alive but defeats her attacker.
We will use a lot of typical codes and conventions that are regularly seen and used in horror films to create the tension and fear we desire. For example we will mainly use darkly lit rooms and use colours such as reds, black and browns. This will be to make the set creepier and more intense for the audience to watch as everything isn't as clear when the lighting is dimmed which emphasises the audience's fear of the 'unknown'. Our narrative will be closed as there will be a ultimate conclusion at the end of the horror - that 'Enya' escapes. Vladimir Propps theory can partly be applied to our horror. 'Enya' plays the hero as she is ultimately the character that makes the decision to try and save the other girls sacrificing her life for them. The Villain is played by the scientists as they are the films main perpetrators and 'block the hero's quest' the quest in the circumstance being freedom. The Donor can be witnessed in the character of 'Daisy' as she provides a metaphorical object being their escape. She asks the other girls to leave her ultimately providing them with the gift of being guiltless in the quest to save their own lives. The helper may be perceived through the character of 'Charlie' who aids 'Enya' throughout the whole plot and assists her in her quest to escape and save the other girls lives. Subjects such as the Princess and the False Hero are portrayed not through characters however. The false hero which would be assigned the role of disrupting the Hero's success is merely filled with the role of the large home and area in which they are being held and is partly filled by the role of the scientists whose names we never learn. The role of the Princess - the reward for the hero is effectively 'Enyas' freedom and life. Todorovs theory of Equilibrium is also implied in our horror as the plot begins with typical lives of the 6 females. A disruption occurs which is their attack and abduction, for Enya to disruption is resolved and she fights and successfully saves her life, although it can be argued that the plot does not enter the 're-equilibrium' as their lives are heavily disrupted and the other 5 females lives are not saved.
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